Monday, January 27, 2020
Concept of Servant Leadership Overview and Analysis
Concept of Servant Leadership Overview and Analysis A new moral principle is emerging which holds that the only authority deserving ones allegiance is that which is freely and knowingly granted by the led to the leader in response to, and in proportion to, the clearly evident servant stature of the leader. Those who choose to follow this principle will not casually accept the authority of existing institutions. Rather, they will freely respond only to Individuals who are chosen as leaders because they are proven and trusted servants. To the extent that this principle prevails in the future, the only truly viable institutions will be those that are predominantly servant-led. ~ Robert K. Greenleaf Introduction In the current environment, confidence has been shaken in business leadership (i.e Enron,Worldcom Anglo), such that interest has been increasing in the development of leaders who set aside self-interest for the betterment of their followers and organisations (Goleman et al, 2005). Bennis (2002, p. 105) stresses that leaders must generate trust while others (Fayol, 1949; Ciulla, 1998) emphasise that leaders must practice management that does not violate moral principles. There are many concepts of leadership in the literature such as transformational, transactional, leader-member exchange (LMX), psychodynamic and servant leadership. These are just concepts and it is important to quickly discuss the differences and similarities of some of the more popular concepts from the point of view of servant leadership. Paterson Russell (2004) juxtaposed transformational and servant leadership and found that while there are many similarities between the two, it is the moral grounding of servant leadership which makes it distinctive. Conger (1990) argued that there can be a dark side to leadership. For example, leaders who are driven to accomplish their visions may ignore problems and misrepresent the realism of their visions. Clements and Washbush (1999) specifically assailed transformational leadership models for having overlooked potentially negative issues in leader-follower dynamics. Similarly, Kets de Vries (1993) cited personality problems that can lead to poor leader-follower relationships. For example, some leaders have narcissistic tendencies they thrive on power and enjoy manipulation. Some followers have dependent dispositions and form strong connections to leaders who satisfy their dependency needs (Kets de Vries, 1989). Such imperfect human tendencies can lead to problems among charismatic leaders and their followers. History is replete with examples of political, religious, business, and other charismatic leaders who have manipulated their followers. Charisma may have allowed them to ascend to leadership positions, but they ultimately used their charisma in oppressive ways. Of course, such leaders whose standards are poor really function outside the genre of the ideal transformational leadership paradigm. Since servant leaders do not rely on charisma, the risk of manipulation in this form of leadership comes from a different source. Servant leaders rely upon service, and in so doing, they endear the followers to the leaders in reciprocal relationships. Cialdini (2001) identified reciprocation as a primary means by which to influence people. According to the principle of reciprocation, when you do something for another person they are psychologically obliged to return the favour. Optimally, servant leaders have motives that have the best interest of others in mind. Therefore, they should develop a positive form of reciprocation whereby they encourage followers to respond not by serving the leader but by serving others. Of course, this law of reciprocity can potentially be used negatively. Persons, who seek to be servant leaders, but have poor motives, can take advantage of others by inducing them to return acts of service. Such self-centred service can rapidly degenerate into a form of manipulation that can be more subtly coercive than overt exploitive behaviour. However, those who use service for manipulative purposes abdicate the real responsibility of genuine servant leadership. Clearly, both transformational leadership and servant leadership, like other leadership models, have potentially negative aspects. Yet the benefits of the two concepts far outweigh their negative side (Patterson Russell, 2004). Servant leaders, however, derive influence from service itself. They develop relationships where followers are encouraged to follow their lead of service. Paterson et al, (2003) notes that servant-power is a category of influence outside the traditional kinds of power. Real servant hood is a leadership style that relies upon the influence of self-giving without self-glory. Some empirical evidence supports the distinctiveness of servant leadership from related leadership theories. For example, Ehrhart (2004) reported that servant leadership significantly predicted an additional 5% of the variance in employee commitment, 7% of the variance in satisfaction with supervisor, 4% of the variance in perceived supervisor support, and 8% of the variance in procedural justice above and beyond that of both leader-member exchange and transformational leadership. Similarly, Liden et al. (2008) reported that servant leadership behaviour explained variance in citizenship behaviour and in-role performance beyond that predicted by leader-member exchange and transformational leadership Liden et al (2008) evaluated the leadership style servant leadership which is based on the premise that to bring out the best in their followers, leaders rely on one-on-one communication to understand the abilities, needs, desires, goals, and potential of those individuals. With knowledge of each followers unique characteristics and interests, leaders then assist followers in achieving their potential. Servant leadership differs from traditional approaches to leadership in that it stresses personal integrity and focuses on forming strong long-term relationships with employees. It also is unique in that it extends outside the organization-servant leaders serve multiple stakeholders, including their communities and society as a whole (Graham, 1991) Neubert et al (2008) looked at the effects of servant leadership as a variable in the amount of regulatory focus the employee has. Their results supported the theory that servant leadership significantly induces promotion-orientated regulatory focus. Regulatory focus theory (RFT) stems from the notion that people are motivated to minimize discrepancies between actual and desired end states (i.e., seek pleasure) and maximize the discrepancy between actual and undesired end states (i.e., avoid pain) (Meyer, Becker, Vandeberghe, 2004, p. 996). The orientation toward seeking pleasure is considered a promotion focus, whereas the orientation toward avoiding pain is considered a prevention focus (Higgins, 1997). Compared with prevention-focused individuals, promotion-focused individuals are more likely to focus attention on (a) nurturance needs rather than security needs (Higgins et al., 1994), (b) hopes and aspirations rather than rules and responsibilities (Higgins et al., 1994), and (c) gains rather than losses (Shah, Higgins, Friedman, 1998). Paterson, Parolinni Winston (2003) have developed a working theory of servant leadership that creates a platform for more specific research by defining the values on which servant leadership is based values she calls the component constructs of leadership. In Pattersons view, popular leadership theories such as transformational leadership have not adequately explained the values for example, altruism that are sometimes demonstrated by leaders. According to Patterson and Russell (2004), Transformational leadership shows leaders focused on the organization, and is insufficient to explain behaviour that is altruistic in nature, or follower-focused; thus servant leadership theory, which is follower focused, explains such behaviour(p. 353). These virtues or morals are qualitative characteristics that are part of ones character, something that is internal, almost spiritual (Whetstone, 2001). Robert K. Greenleaf (1904-1990) is credited with initiating the servant leadership concept among modern organizational theorists. In Greenleafs (1977) opinion, leadership must primarily meet the needs of others. The focus of servant leadership is on others rather than upon self and on understanding of the role of the leader as a servant (Greenleaf, 1977). Self-interest should not motivate servant leadership; rather, it should ascend to a higher plane of motivation (Greenleaf, 1977). The servant leaders primary objective is to serve and meet the needs of others, which optimally should be the prime motivation for leadership (Russell and Stone, 2002). Servant leaders provide vision, gain credibility and trust from followers, and influence others (Farling et al., 1999). James Dittmar (2006) interviewed Larry Spears, the president CEO for the Greenleaf centre for servant leadership and concluded that Robert Greenleafs writings incorporated ten major attributes of servant leadership. These included: Listening; Empathy; Healing; Awareness; Persuasion; Conceptualization; Foresight; Stewardship; Commitment to the growth of people; and Building community. As you will see in the next section, certain dimensions of servant leadership can be observed in the workplace and has some have some academic grounding. Walumbwa et al (2010) conducted a detailed investigation of servant leadership, procedural justice climate, service climate and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Their research looked at the extent to which servant leaders recognise their moral responsibility to the success of the organisation as well as the success of their subordinates, the organisations customers and other stakeholders. Their hypothesis that Servant leadership positively relates to organizational citizenship behaviour was supported as servant leadership significantly predicted OCB While servant leadership is an increasingly popular concept, throughout much of its history the concept has been systematically undefined and lacking in empirical support (Farling et al., 1999). In an attempt to give cohesion to the development of a theory, Russell and Stone (2002) established a practical model for servant leadership. They also identified functional and accompanying attributes of servant leadership Servant leadership dimensions According to Russell and Stone (2002) the servant leadership literature offers an inconsistent set of dimensions that define this construct and as a consequence, their exhaustive research was designed to define and validate the dimensions that constitute servant leadership as a construct. Based on their interpretation of servant leadership as well as existing taxonomies of servant they identified nine dimensions: Emotional healing-the act of showing sensitivity to others personal concerns Creating value for the community-a conscious, genuine concern for helping the community Conceptual skills-possessing the knowledge of the organization and tasks at hand so as to be in a position to effectively support and assist others, especially immediate followers Empowering-encouraging and facilitating others, especially immediate followers, in identifying and solving problems, as well as determining when and how to complete work tasks Helping subordinates grow and succeed-demonstrating genuine concern for others career growth and development by providing support and mentoring Putting subordinates first-using actions and words to make it clear to others (especially immediate followers) that satisfying their work needs is a priority Behaving ethically-interacting openly, fairly, and honestly with others Relationships-the act of making a genuine effort to know, understand, and support others in the organization, with an emphasis on building long-term relationships with immediate followers Servant hood-a way of being marked by ones self-categorization and desire to be characterized by others as someone who serves others first, even when self-sacrifice is required Their scale delivered a Cronbachs alpha = .8. Constructs of servant leadership According to Russell and Stone (2002) the following construct of servant leadership by Patterson (2003), were central to their servant leader dimension creation: Agapao love; a love derived from the virtues of their religious beliefs Acts with humility; Is altruistic; Is visionary for the followers; Is trusting; Is serving; and Empowers followers. Leadership in the African context Issah Huseini is Ghanaian in birth and has been living in Ireland for the last 12 years. A devote Muslim, his moral beliefs have been leveraged through his religious teachings. These unique characteristics will be discussed later however it is important to discuss leadership in the African and cultural context. To date, servant leadership has been discussed and described almost entirely in the American context (Farling et al., 1999). Unfortunately, there have been few efforts to examine the extent to which followers in the USA actually report having experienced servant leadership while working in a leader-follower relationship. Hale Fields (2007) explored the concept of servant leadership in a Ghanaian context and found that while there are many aspects of servant leadership that are similar to leader attributes that may be endorsed across cultures such as motive arousing, confidence building, team building and foresight, some differences among cultures may limit the extent to which the servant leadership approach is viewed as effective. For example, servant leadership often focuses on follower development with the intention of increasing follower capacity to exercise creative approaches and take on greater responsibilities at work. However, these efforts may be viewed as effective primarily in settings where the ability and willingness of followers to exercise initiative and direct their own activities is viewed as desirable (Fields et al., 2006; Hofstede, 2001). In more individualistic and lower power distance cultures such as the USA, leaders who help equip followers to take initiative and undertake cre ative solutions on their own tend to be viewed very positively (Hale Fields 2007). However, in higher power distance cultures, leaders whose followers take initiative on their own without waiting for explicit direction may be seen as weak leaders (Hofstede, 2001). In cultures which are more collective, followers may be not feel comfortable with leaders who emphasize follower individual initiative and creativity because these are viewed as being best accomplished through group discussion and decisions. Given the rich diversity of Sub-Saharan Africa, one must approach any generalization of cultural expressions with caution. However, some African scholars maintain that there are identifiable Sub-Saharan African cultural characteristics (Lassiter, 2000). Through his survey of numerous African thinkers, Lassiter (2000) organized these cultural characteristics into five broad categories: psychological characteristics society and the individual family and community worldview Response to foreign influences. Traditional Sub-Saharan African leadership centres on the concept of kingship. Masango (2003) points out that the hierarchy in African society is well defined, with the king at the top of the structure. However, kingship in pre-colonial times was not the autocratic dictatorship that appeared in the colonial and post colonial periods (Masango, 2003; Williams, 2003). Rather, in earlier periods, followers expected the king to function as a servant to the clan, tribe or community (Williams, 2003). In essence, the kingdom was more important than the king. Historical examples document the removal of kings who became a detriment to the kingdom (Williams, 2003). The king used influence to build consensus (Masango, 2003). Finally, the king was the religious leader and guardian of the kingdoms religious heritage (Williams, 2003). Leadership Trust in the not-for profit sector While the notion of trust is not exclusively attached to servant leadership and may be considered a key element in all leadership models, servant leadership has been particularly considered as strongly associated with trust (De Pree, 1997; Joseph and Winston, 2005; Russell, 2001), that is through servant leader exhibit and translate their personal integrity into organizational fidelity (De Pree, 1997, p. 127). Greenleaf (1977) maintained that trust is a building block for servant leaders, who in turn foster environments of trust. In their study of leaders in for-profit and not-for profit organizations in America and West Indies, Joseph and Winston (2005) reported positive correlation between employees perceived level of organizational servant leadership and leader trust, and between their perceived level of servant leadership and organizational trust. Relationships built on trust and services are the basis for the influence of servant leadership (Joseph and Winston, 2005). Greenleaf (1977) advanced that trust was central to servant leadership since leadership legitimacy begins with trust. He noted that the only sound basis for trust is for people to have the solid experience of being served by their institutions (p. 83). He asserted further that in servant leadership, leadership is bestowed upon persons who are trusted because of their stature as servants (p. 24). Servant leaders are trusted because they empathize with and fully accept followers (p. 35), because of their dependability, which results from their exceptional intuitive insight (p. 56), and because they lead by example (p. 342). Trust and respect are highest in circumstances where a community is created through service in which the liability of each for the other and all for one is unlimited (p. 52). Greenleaf (1977) posited that institutional trust is created when the ir trustees (leaders) reach distinction as servants who understand the institution and care for all the persons touched by it (p. 100). Greenleaf (1977) stated that leaders hold the responsibility for the level and type of institutional performance that would merit trust (p. 127-8). Therefore, from Greenleafs perspective, servant leadership is both a product and an antecedent of leader and organizational trust. This may be due to the fact that servant leadership increases perceptions of leader trustworthiness, which has a reciprocal relationship to leader trust. Interview Issah Huseini is CEO and one of the founding members of the grassroots charity the new communities partnership (NCP); an independent national network of 116 ethnic minority led groups comprising of 75 nationalities with offices in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. The mission of NCP is to be an effective network, representing and empowering ethnic minority-led groups, at all levels, in order to influence positive change in policies that impact on their lives. The flat structure of NCP is comprised in a flat manner which links in with ethnic led minority organizations (ELMO) communities such as the Afghan and Cameroon communities to provide support and training. There are now over 120 ELMO communities under the auspicious of the NCP (appendix B) which is supported by Russell Stones (2002) argument that building relationships is an important characteristic of servant leadership. One of NCPs mission statements is empowerment where We believe in our capacity to define our own needs, articulate our hopes and fears and represent ourselves locally, regionally and nationally (retrieved from on January 5, 2011). I began by asking Mr. Huseini why he decided part company with Cairde and set up his own company the NCP. Mr. Huseini described that the reason was twofold. Firstly the degree of freedom and range of services were limited and they felt that they were not providing enough services to their ELMOs. This idea is supported by supported by Russell Stones (2002) assumption that creating value for the community by having a conscious, genuine concern for helping the community is a significant dimension of servant leadership. Secondly he illustrated the underlying worries that their clients held because as he put it: some of the people we work with are some of the most disadvantaged in society. Some of them are illegal and shouldnt even be here. We found that these people didnt trust us as they believed we were agents of the government. Certain constructs of servant leadership would support this statement as Patterson (2003) describes acting with humility, is trusting and is altruistic, whil e meeting the needs of others (Greenleaf, 1977). As a follow up question I asked what kind of services he expected to deliver and what he actually was giving to his clients. He began by explaining the power politics involved in working with such an institution (Cairde) was very frustrating. There were certain governmental regulations that narrowed the scope to which Cairde could deliver services. For example, they were very limited in how much involvement we could have in regards to immigration, visas, green cards etc and felt that they were not satisfying the needs of ELMOs. Again this fits in with various researchers positions that a core responsibility of servant leaders is to act and behave ethically (Russell Stone, 2002; Greenleaf 1977; Dittmar, 2006; Fayol, 1949). Continuing on from this Mr. Huseini explained the following services the NCP provides: capacity building in terms of forums, workshop, seminars and community cafes, training support for ELMOs both in terms of leadership training and media and training, secondary lobbying governments on issues of concern, conducting scholarly and legal research on topics of educations and law reform, advocacy services and many more day to day services that cannot be categorized. Paterson et als (2003) statement that: that servant-power is a category of influence outside the traditional kinds of power. Real servant hood is a leadership style that relies upon the influence of Self-giving without self-glory. (p. 280) would support this kind of multi-faceted support system. Moving away from the external stakeholders, questioning then focused on the internal dynamics of the organisation. In particular (after clarifying the meaning of regulatory focus) i asked him if he saw his employees tendencies to seek promotion was as a result of his leadership style or whether there was a degree of commitment in general to the organisation. Mr. Huseini contemplated this and explained that many of the employees were hired through employment schemes which were generally unpaid such as FAS and the Dublin city council. While at the same time he indicated that the office is so small that there was no opportunity for advancement although he did highlight that he thought he employees were generally committed to the cause. Therefore Neubert et als (2008) assertion employees promotion-orientated regulatory focus is because of the servant leadership nature of the organisation is not supported however the marginal declaration that his employees are committed to the company is supported by Ehrharts (2004) findings. Finally I wanted to establish if there was a spiritual or religiously underpinning to his leadership style. Mr Huseini concurred as he described how he started out as a taxi driver in Dublin and although he witnessed many activities he disapproved of he still maintained a level of honesty and integrity (Patterson Russell, 2004). He went on to describe how Islam has kept my head on my shoulders insisting that the laws of Muhammad have guided me through some difficult times. This statement is supported by Whetonsone (2001) as he describes these characteristics that are part of ones character, as something that is internal, almost spiritual. While Patterson concurs that Agapao love a love derived from the virtues of their religious beliefs are a construct of servant leadership.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Determination Of Water Crystalization Essay
I. Aim: To determine the formula of the hydrate of copper (II) sulfate. II. Hypothesis: Hydrates are ionic compounds that have a definite amount of water as part of their structure. The water is chemically combined with the salt in a definite ratio. Ratios vary in different hydrates but are specific for any given hydrate. In this experiment, the hydrate of copper sulfate has the formula CuSO4.xH20. When it is heated, the water is released as vapor and we can describe the reaction as below: Hydrate Anhydrous salt + Salt CuSO4.xH20 CuSO4 + xH20 The amount of water in the hydrate is determined by taking the difference between the mass of the hydrate before and after heated. Then, the percentage composition of water can be calculated basing on its mass. According to usual theory, hydrated copper sulfate has the following formula CuSO4.5H2O. Therefore, the result collected from the experiment should be x = 5. III. Equipment/Chemical: 1. Equipment: * 1 x Evaporating dish * 1 x Pipe-clay triangle * Some crucible tongs * 1 x Pressed fiber pad * 1 x Digital balance (uncertainty: à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½0.001g) * 1 x Spatula * 1 x Glass stirring rod * 1 x Bunsen burner * 1 x Tripod stand 2. Chemical: Hydrated copper (II) sulfate IV. Variables: * Independent: the mass of hydrated salt. * Dependent: the percentage composition of water in the hydrate. * Control: room temperature, capacity of fire gas, standard equipment. V. Method: 1. Clean and dry evaporating dish. 2. Set up a Bunsen burner under a tripod stand with a pipe-clay triangle on top. 3. Place the empty evaporating dish on the clay triangle and heat the dish with the hottest flame for 3 minutes. This is done to be sure that the dish is absolutely dry. 4. Use tongs to remove the dish from the clay triangle and then place it on a pressed fiber pad so that it can cool for several minutes. 5. Use a digital balance to determine the mass of the cooled evaporating dish. Record this mass to the same number of decimal places as the uncertainty of the balance (à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½0.001g), in other words, the measured mass will have 3 decimal places. Remember not to weigh the dish when it is hot because heat waves tend to be circular and upward, which tends to make objects appear to weigh less. 6. With the dish on the balance, put into it a specific amount of hydrated copper sulfate; make sure that the amount of hydrated copper sulfate is less than half full of the dish. Be sure the spatula is very clean to avoid contamination. Record the mass of the dish with the hydrate to the same number of decimal places as the uncertainty of the balance. 7. Place the dish on the clay triangle. Gently heat the dish by moving the burner bark and forth around the base. Increase the heat gradually. Avoid any popping and spattering. 8. Heat strongly for 5 minutes or until all of the blue color has disappeared. During the heating, a glass stirring rod should be used to spread the solid and break up larger portions of the hydrate. Be sure not to pick up any of the solid on the stirring rod. If the edges of the solid appear to be turning brown, remove the heat momentarily and resume heating with a cooler flame. 9. Allow the dish to cool for 2 minutes. Immediately find the mass of the dish with the anhydrous salt, and record the mass to the same number of decimal places as the uncertainty of the balance. The dish must be weighed before the compound reabsorbs water from the atmosphere. 10. Calculate the initial amount of hydrated copper sulfate before heated. Record the answer to the same number of decimal places as its calculated uncertainty. 11. Determine the amount of vaporized water. Record the answer to the same number of decimal places as its calculated uncertainty. 12. Then, the value of x can be found basing on the formula ratio. 13. When finish, the anhydrous salt can be thrown into the waste container and the evaporating dish washed.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Cultural Awareness Essay
Culture and the environment affect a business in many ways. Culture is not simply a different language, a different shade of skin, or different styles of food. Culture, and the environment in which you are a part of, affect the running of day to day business operations of all companiesââ¬â¢ day in and day out. This paper will assess how Linda Myers, from the article, ââ¬Å"The would-be pioneer,â⬠(Green, S. , 2011) was affected by the huge culture shock of working for a global conglomerate from Seoul, South Korea. We will discuss what went wrong with Ms. Myers approach to business, Hofstedeââ¬â¢s five dimensions of culture as it pertains to the article, and make some recommendations based on the authorââ¬â¢s thoughts. Letââ¬â¢s first start by discussing how culture and environment affect management in an institution. A culture and its environment affect the operations of a business because that culture generates practices based on its environment. To clarify, how a business sets its policies is based on cultural exceptions, like politics, points of view, whatever is considered the ââ¬Å"normâ⬠for that environment. In many cultures, it is also safe to assume that women do not have the same pull as a man in charge. An example of how women are belittled can be women in Middle Eastern countries that are forced to wear veils to cover their faces and walk behind their husbands, not hand in hand like in Western cultures. Politics plays a huge part in how a company runs as well. If a country is firm in the belief that men are the only way to accomplish goals and run the government, then companies under that government will more than likely have the same approach. Many countries still believe that men are superior and donââ¬â¢t quite believe that women should be in the workplace. We have seen American culture change to where women successfully run businesses. These gender based assumptions are inadequate to reality, however, some countries still hold on to those beliefs. For Ms. Myers, being successful in America, did not translate to being successful in South Korea. Although she was an executive, she had many barriers that hindered her from adequately helping the company in the ways that she wanted. Hofstedeââ¬â¢s Five Dimensions of Cultureà Dr. Geert Hofstede created the first four dimensions of culture in the 1970ââ¬â¢s after analyzing statistical data from IBM over the course of many years. In the 1990ââ¬â¢s he created the fifth dimension after noticing specific cultural differences in Asian countries and their ties to Confucian philosophy. (www. mindtools. com) The five dimensions are as follows: Power/Distance (PD), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Uncertainty/Avoidance Index (UAI), and Long Term Orientation (LTO). I will only discuss a few of these as they seem more prominent to this case. First, letââ¬â¢s talk about the Power/Distance (PD) dimension as it pertains to Ms. Myers in South Korea. Power/Distance (PD), ââ¬Å"refers to the degree of inequality that exists- and is accepted- among people with and without power. A high PD score indicates that society accepts an unequal distribution of power, and that people understand ââ¬Å"their placeâ⬠in the system. Low PD means that power is shared and well dispersed. â⬠(www. mindtools. com) As an example from the article, Myers goes on to say, ââ¬Å"there were basically four levels: VP, director, manager, and worker bee. You only talked to people at your level. SK Telecom boasted that they were one of the first Korean cultures to rid themselves of a strictly hierarchal form of running. However, Myers saw that although they said that, they did not embrace that to the fullest. Merely putting something on paper does not constitute practicing the said task. In order for the company to have abolished the hierarchal form of leadership, they would have needed to instill better practices and allow more input from all levels of the company. Masculinity (MAS) refers to how a society views/values the traditional aspects of male versus female roles. This dimension ascertains that men are in the positions of power and women are to be in the home, or hold less valuable roles in the workplace. This example is considered a workplace with high MAS. A workplace with low MAS is considered to have male and female positions; however, those positions work closely together and do not get in the way of the work environment. This traditional view was another obstacle in Ms. Myersââ¬â¢ venture in Korea. The company brought her in to fix their issues with cultural growth, but did not utilize her to the best of her ability. She failed to recognize that the Eastern culture she was working for, did not allow her to have a longer ââ¬Å"leashâ⬠like the American/Western companies she had worked for in the past. Uncertainty/Avoidance Index shows how anxiety of workers affects the workplace. High UAI is considered looking for rules and regulations for all situations. There is no ââ¬Å"greyâ⬠area and everyone is to operate exactly the same. Low UAI refers to there being less rule writing and more personal growth and interpretation of the conflict or decision. In this article, I would say that SK Telecom had a high UAI however; Ms.à Myers herself was a person working with low UAI. Her anxiety and how she approached situations was not in-tune with the policies and procedures of the company. There were cultural boundaries such as language and expectations that she did not know how to confront. Although she was qualified for the position, she really was not prepared well enough to meet the tasks and policies of the company based on her experiences. The last dimension that really applies to this case is Long Term Orientation or LTO. This refers to how a company values a memberââ¬â¢s loyalty/seniority in the company. Men and long time employees have more pull in the workplace. I feel as though SK Telecom valued the opinions of those members who had been with the company for a substantial amount of time. Bringing an outsider in to work, did not work with how the company operated internally. SK Telecom had high LTO and again Myersââ¬â¢ internal operation was with low LTO, a promotion of equality, creativity and individualism. Conclusion In this paper I discussed, The Would-Be Pioneer by Green. We discussed how the cultural differences affected Ms. Myers and how different South Korea is compared to Western culture. We also covered the four of five Hofstedeââ¬â¢s Cultural Dimensions that applied to the article. We discussed Power/Distance, Masculinity, Uncertainty/Avoidance Index, and Long Term Orientation, all of the factors that played a part in Myersââ¬â¢ failure as a consultant with SK Telecom. In the future, for those who look to work abroad, we should study as much about the culture as possible. We need to understand as much as possible about the work environment in which we work, if we wish to succeed in a foreign government.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Strategic Human Resource Management A Deeper...
Fernando Martà n, A., Pedro Miguel Romero, F., Gonzalo Sà ¡nchez, G. (2013). Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models. Cross Cultural Management, 20(1), 39-49. doi: RQ How effective is workforce diversity without a deeper understanding of the dominant and minority cultures in human resource management? The article expounded on how strategic human resource management can get the most out of workforce diversity via the universalistic, contingent and configurational perspectives. With the inclusion of cross-cultural initiatives, the authors concluded that a diverse workforce is possible if human resource management engages strategies that delineate cross-cultural and diversity-oriented models. Lauring, J. (2013). International diversity management: Global ideals and local responses. [Article]. British Journal of Management, 24(2), 211-224. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2011.00798.x RQ What elements of international diversity management need to be implemented without compromizing business operations in host countries? The author alluded to the fact that demographic diversity has increased over the years to to advances in technology and globalization, while human resource personnel with international diversity management skills and experience is minimal. This has resulted in diversity management practices mismatch between global intergration and local open-mindedness. According to the article, it is a must forShow MoreRelatedManaging Diversity3506 Words à |à 15 Pageshas consequences for the fundamental organisational culture and an obligation of differences whereas narrow definitions of diversity focus on eliminating biased practices based on personal characteristic. Many organisations adopt equal opportunities policies because of external pressures. 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Based on this premise, this paper develops a model of the non-profit form as a conglomerate of multiple organisations with multiple bottom lines that demand a variety of different management approaches and styles: a holistic conception that emphasises the diversity of orientationsRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words à |à 922 Pagesorganization theory the book increases the understanding of a field that in recent years has become ever more fragmented. Organization theory is central to managing, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.ââ¬â¢s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly releva nt for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmasRead MoreCase Study Analysis of Royal Ahold Scandal7067 Words à |à 29 Pagesand disclosure weaknesses, its demanding culture focused on economic growth regardless of certain ethical principles, the weaknesses of corporate governance within Europe and the United States, as well as the influences a companyââ¬â¢s global expansion has on corporate governance and its financial risks. As an analytical framework, I would like to use Robinsââ¬â¢ (2006) Technical, Political and Cultural problem analysis framework, in order to elevate understanding of the problems at Ahold by analysing itRead MoreGeneral Electric60506 Words à |à 243 Pageschapter proceeds forward with a look at what makes strategy a winner and then presents reasons for why crafting and executing strategy are important. The chapter concludes with thoughts on the equation: good strategy + good strategy execution = good management. Lecture Outline I. Introduction 1. Managers at all companies face three central questions in thinking strategically about their companyââ¬â¢s present circumstances and prospects: Where are we now? ââ¬âconcerns the ins and outs of the companyââ¬â¢sRead MoreCase Study148348 Words à |à 594 PagesChapters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Introducing Strategy The Environment Strategic Capabilities Strategic Purpose Culture and Strategy Business Strategy Corporate Strategy and Diversification International Strategy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances Evaluating Strategies Strategy Development Processes Organising for Success Leadership and Strategic Change The Practice of Strategy Pages 30 37 47 59 69 79 88 99 108 115 122 132 144 150 162
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